Angry Birds Knock on Wood

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As seen on Bootleg Zones!

Angry Birds Knock on Wood is a counterfeit toy game based on the Angry Birds ImaginAction toy of the same name. [1]

View E2555-P21129 on EPToys


The toy is a complete ripoff of the ImaginAction's Angry Birds toy of the same name, with all mentions of Rovio Entertaiment copyright removed from the box. According to the back of the box the toy includes. three Angry Birds, four pigs, one bonus point star, one bonus point egg, fourteen building blocks (two squares, two triangles,four small girders, six larger griders), one bird launcher, forty mission cards, sixteen points card, instructions.


  • A variant based on Angry Birds Seasons also exists.[2]
  • Leokimvideo reviewed the toy on his Dark Side Angry Birds videos, and various pieces were burned out by a Godzilla toy at the end of the video.[3]
