A few small announcements

From Chinafake Wiki

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Happy Halloween!
<translate> Announcement</translate> Announcement: Pardon our dust while we get videos copied over. We're still working out the kinks in the new video system.

Serving 17,837 pages (737 considered articles, 1,119 toy pages, 38 company pages, 14 forum posts, 54 blog posts), 12,376 images, and 111 videos since April 7 2014.

Welcome to the Chinafake Wiki blog center!

As seen on Bootleg Zones!

A bit of a shorter one today, just wanted to make a couple announcements. First, I've finally resolved the problematic WEBPs Fandom spit out that were actually just JPGs. All that's left to do is submit them to the tech team and wait for them to be batch uploaded, and then all our images will have been brought over! Second, we now have a Fediverse presence! (two, actually). Check us out at [email protected] and @[email protected]! For those of you that use alternate frontends to access Lemmy, I'll provide links for those here as well:






Happy Fediverse-ing! (that's what the hip kids call it, right?)