Various interesting mktoys ports

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Originally published 6/3/2024 on the old wiki

various interesting mktoys ports[edit]

Furbland · 6/3/2024 in General

i've done a bit of poking around and found that mktoys has several interesting things on various ports (please do not attempt to hack into mktoys or anything like that, this is just stuff i found interesting). appears to be some sort of domain management login informs us we have no access. is a blank page. appears to be something QQ-related. is the new UI, just a bit more unfinished and missing some bits and functionality (now broken as of Sep 15) just seems to reset the connection constantly, and doesn't look to do much is similar, and just yields a 404 page seems to be yet another login page, presumably for adding products and whatnot is a dedicated port for non-https api requests, with the same url as a request on port 443 would have (minus /service/) is yet another 404 appears to be for devices on their QC team, though most functions are (yet again) locked behind a login

and finally, is (you guessed it) another login page.

(Edited by Furbland)

Furbland · 6/3/2024

Again, this is not an active offer to go hack mktoys, please do not do that (they are very nice and don't deserve to get hacked, plus i'm pretty sure at least one of their employees knows about this wiki/community)

Addendum as of 7/9/2024:

The old site has some bits of interest as well, leads to a listing of all products and is a list of customer service reps available for live chat.

Addendum as of 8/17/2024: There's also another site (seemingly a placeholder) hosted at

Addendum as of 9/15/2024: This is an oddly high port number, it just times out though.