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As of this page's last cache update, we are serving 17,842 pages (737 considered articles, 1,119 toy pages, 38 company pages, 14 forum posts, 54 blog posts), 12,376 images, and 111 videos since April 7 2014.

Welcome to the Chinafake Wiki!

"ah fuck, split gear."

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The Chinafake Wiki is a collaborative website and a place to learn about bootleg and knockoff toys that can sing and dance! Anyone can edit! Sign up today, it's free! We hope you'll enjoy your stay!

What is a Chinafake?

A Chinafake is a toy or electronic product that is a ripoff of another product that has been popular, often based on popular media franchises. They are mostly found in Europe, Asia and the Americas. This wiki focuses on the toy side of Chinafakes. For more info, see What is a Chinafake.

How to recognize a knockoff toy

Generally, a knockoff, or bootleg, is a product that resembles another item or franchise. A counterfeit, or replica, is a product that is identical to another product. Both knockoffs and counterfeits don't have authorisation from the original creators.
Usually, knockoff toys are ripoffs of other franchises and their toys, but may also have their own design. Some knockoff companies produce original designs which is also included on this wiki.
The majority of knockoff toys play copyrighted songs, notably the Europop genre, and have colourful lights. Most of the toys that fall under this category are bump n go's, and because they are not held under regulations can contain dangerous amounts of material such as lead paint or contain small parts that can break easily, though in recent days knockoff toys have become safer.
Another way to recognise a knockoff toy is its box. Knockoff toys' boxes are often covered with typing errors and grammar mistakes. Popular examples include the phrase "It will give you infinite pleasure" or "Best toy for the children", which is found on many knockoff boxes. This is at the fault of simple online translators and people responsible not having English as their first language.
In addition to copying other toys, knockoffs may also copy popular characters from cartoons, movies, anime, manga, video games, tv shows, and comic books. Some characters include Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, Goku, Naruto, Pikachu, Mario, Doraemon, Spongebob, Ben 10, Angry Birds and Elmo.
If you own a toy that fits these characteristics, then it is likely a knockoff toy, and can become part of the wiki.

Keep in mind not all knockoff toys are chinafakes, and not all chinafakes are knockoff toys. Chinafakes can include any off brand/no-name toy from China, it doesn't have to be explicitly ripping off anything.


  1. Do not spam the comment section of any pages, blog posts, or message walls.
  2. Do not self-promote anything off-topic (Chinafake Wiki pages/edits are the only things you should self-promote).
  3. Do not add any inappropriate pages or edits.
  4. Fanart is allowed but do not add it to any pages (Comments, the discussion page, and blog posts, are better places to add fanart to).
  5. No NSFW/Explicit content (NSFW means "Not Safe For Work", unless the toy itself contains said content).
  6. Vandals and trolls are not welcome here.
  7. Treat everyone with respect. That means no long, pointless arguments over Calcutta covers on people's message walls.

Rules may be subject to change without user notice.

Other wikis

This wiki only covers the toy side of chinafakes. If you want to add anything about the video game side of chinafakes, try the BootlegGames Wiki instead (not affiliated).

Wiki info

96 users (6 active), who have so far created 737 pages, uploaded 12,376 files, and made 48,162 edits since the wiki's founding on April 7 2014!

Home Page design by Lambsskin