Container Truck Aquatic Animals

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Container Truck Aquatic Animals is a bump and go toy truck made by Wen Sheng.


The toy resembles a VW truck with a trailer that has a scrolling background depicting various fish. The toy comes in 4 colors; blue, turquoise, orange and yellow. The toy comes in two sizes, big (NO.8327) and small (NO.8327-20).


When turned on, the toy moves around with bump n go action while the background scrolls, music plays, and the headlights and background light up.


  • A similar toy with a billboard showing various Wen Sheng products also exists.
  • The larger version has two switches (one for the bump n go, music, and headlights with another for the background light and motor for the scrolling background), making it possible to use it as a display piece. The smaller version only has one switch to control all of these functions.
