Pardon our dust while we get videos copied over. We're still working out the kinks in the new video system.
As of this page's last cache update, we are serving 17,842 pages (737 considered articles, 1,119 toy pages, 38 company pages, 14 forum posts, 54 blog posts), 12,376 images, and 111 videos since April 7 2014.
The toy resembles a futuristic that has 3 wheels and has a robot that's inside the car the stickers that's on the top of the Car says "Super Car" and "2001" on the back of the car and theres a purple and yellow striped sticker thats in the inside of the car that says "IC sounds"
When turned 'On' a voice saying "ATTENTION " and explosion sounds come on and police siren sounds occur after the explosion sounds and the toy is in bump and go action As the car is still in bump and go action The Voice Says "TRANSFORM" or Hear "FIRE" and shooting sounds and The car Opens up to Reaval a Robot that has Flickering Eyes and The Robots Chest opens Up to Reaval Red Missles that Flicker and The Voice Says "TURNING" (?) And space noises come on and the Robots Chest Closes Up and the Car Goes down and repeats the same funtions.