Happy Bumper lovely shape Cars

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As seen on Bootleg Zones!

Happy Bumper lovely shape Cars is a toy made by the Malaysian toy company TYW and the Thai toy company Keak.


There is a total of four variations of this toy.

  • Mickey Mouse - Red car with blue lights and yellow headlights.
  • Minnie Mouse - Pink car with yellow lights and headlights.
  • Doraemon - Blue car with green lights and red headlights.
  • Winnie the Pooh - Orange car with purple lights and yellow headlights.


The toy has bump n go action. The driver's head swings left and right while the lights in the base of the car and in the headlights flash. The toy plays The Lonely Goatherd.


  • The toy was distributed by Keak in Thailand.
  • A very similar toy with the name Animal Bumper Car and Bumper Cars exists.
    • Animal Bumper Car was also made by the same company that made this toy.
  • The stickers and the back of the driver's head strangely says "© Disney/Fujiko Pro".
  • This could mean that TYW did this to prevent copyright infringement from Disney and Fujiko Pro.

