Helicopter: Aurel (NO.3318B)

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As seen on Bootleg Zones!

Helicopter: Aurel (which is an unofficial second name) is a name referred to a Bump And Go helicopter toy manufactured by an unknown company.


The toy itself is a slightly surreal, almost cartoonish rendition of many military helicopter aircrafts, as the wing length looks shortened and tail looks alot more comical then what a real counterpart would look like. Many transparent parts can be seen at random places, from the nose from the rotors of the tail. The cockpit is one fully translucent plastic piece and it is presumed that a translucent figure can be depicted of 'controlling' the aircraft. Stickers like the one on each of the wheels and one that reads "BOMB" can be seen on the sides of the aircraft and on the rotor's 4 blades. The toy can come in 2 colours, one in yellow and dark green camo and the other that is blue and green.


When the toy is turned on, it will move around with Bump And Go action. Lights will flash in the cockpit, the sides and on the nose of the aircraft. Some transparent pieces are not lit, but it could be that the lights from other parts could transfer to parts that are not lit up. After a few seconds, the toy stops, rises, and spins in a 360 degree motion. After another few seconds, it stops and the process repeats.


  • There could be a NO.3188A in existence, however it might be that it could be the model number for its green-blue camo counterpart.
