Hexapod Pet

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Hexapod Pet is a bump and go beetle made by Ao Hua.


The toy has two versions; one that looks like a green beetle, and one that looks like a bee. The beetle unit is a green species of a beetle with a blue face (top part), yellow polka dots and a yellow line on its body, pink, thick antennas (and its legs) and transparent pink wings. Both beetle and bee versions are probably sharing the same mould. The bee version has a yellow and black body, a supposed yellow face, green antennas, red legs (probably) and transparent, light blue wings that are sticked on the body.


When turned on, the toy moves around with Bump and Go action. The beetle's wings can move side to side while the bee's moving parts are unknown. The song that plays on both units is Lollipop by Aqua.


  • Demo videos could exist.
