High Speed Chariot/Best Racer (LD Toys)
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High Speed Chariot, Super Chariot, Best Racer and uncorrected title Bast Racer are names given to a series of Bump and Go transformers toys manufactured by LD Toys.
High Speed Chariot[edit]
The unit looks to be a generic, futuristic sports car with jet features built onto the toy, the unit has many stickers that are on the sides, front, on the back of the jet's front and the spoiler, all of which have unknown wording. It can either be Yellow, Red, A Ben 10 version and a Toy Story 3 version. It also has transparent jet engines located on the back.
Best Racing (Bast Racing)[edit]
The unit looks to be based off the Ferrari Enzo F140 supercar. The jet features are more hidden than High Speed Chariot. The front part of the jet is located in the hood's indents and wings on the lower end of the sides. Its colour versions are the same as High Speed Chariot.
When the toy is turned on, it will move around with Bump and Go action.
High Speed Chariot[edit]
Lights Flash on the headlights and its jet engines. After a few seconds, it expands the jet's front part and its wings eject. Another few seconds later, The front part of the jet closes to its original position and the wings go back to their postition aswell. It plays Loosen Up (Black Cat).
Best Racing (Bast Racing)[edit]
Lights flash on the headlights and the backlights. After a few seconds, the jet's front part opens to the front and the wings extend. after another few seconds, the jet's front part closes and the wings go pack to its original position. It also plays Loosen Up (Black Cat).
- The only person who has rumoured to archive a unit of High Speed Chariot is a YouTube referred to as LeoKimVideo. A unit of Best Racing (Bast Racing) is owned/has been owned by another YouTuber, of which is named China Toys.
A Promotional photo of the yellow version with its box.
The yellow version of the toy with its box.
ditto (normal box)
ditto with transformed photo
A back view of the toy in its transformed state.
The yellow version inside its box.
The Yellow version of Best Racing (Bast Racing) with its box.
A promotional photo of the Red version with its box.
The Yellow version with its box.
The Red version with its box.
The yellow version of the toy with its box in its transformed form.
The Red version with its box transformed.