HuiLe Toys

From Chinafake Wiki
(Redirected from Huile Toys)
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As of this page's last cache update, we are serving 17,842 pages (737 considered articles, 1,119 toy pages, 38 company pages, 14 forum posts, 54 blog posts), 12,376 images, and 111 videos since April 7 2014.

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Huile Toys is a company founded in 1997 that currently specializes in children's educational toys and activity centers.


Placeholder — will fill in later


  • Their oldest logo was a copy of the Morinaga logo.[1]
  • They seem to operate only in Canada under the name Kiddokit[2], though still use the Edukiddo name on said website.
  • Their full company name is Guangdong Qizhi Innovation Education Technology Co., Ltd. (广东启智创新教育科技有限公司).
