Lovely Toys Funny Penguin

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Lovely Toys Funny Penguin is a toy made by an unknown company. 


The toy is based on the mascot for "Tencent QQ", an instant messaging application. The toy resembles a female penguin wearing a hat and a scarf. Its stomach displays some characters from "Finding Nemo" and other fishes moving across a background of the ocean. The toy has a sticker of a penguin on each wing and a sticker showing two penguins near the moving fishes. The toy is only known to come in green or blue.


The toy has bump n go action. It has flashing lights in its wings and a cylinder in its tummy that moves while the toy is switched on. It moves its eyes, wings and the lower part of its beak up and down, and its legs move back and forth. It plays My World by Sophie.

Other Variations[edit]

Penguin Family[edit]

Penguin Family is a set that includes a yellow penguin with smaller pink, blue, and green penguins on wheels attached to the yellow penguin. The toy seems to have bump and go action, but it is unknown what song it plays. Only two variants of Penguin Family are known to exist, including one where the yellow and the green penguin have pink beaks, and another version where the two penguins have orange beaks.


Penguin is another version of Lovely Toys Funny Penguin which doesn't have a moving cylinder with pictures. The toy is only known to come in green or pink and it's unknown what song it plays. There is also a black version which has a sticker saying „Lovely Toys“ and a image of 2 penguins on it.

