My Mini Car

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(Redirected from Meitai toys - MY MINI CAR)
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My Mini Car is a Bump and Go toy made by company MeiTai Toys.

View E0131-P50312 on EPToys View E0131-P50303 on EPToys


The toy can come in two colors: red and white. It has a Speaker Station on the back and the tires are either black or transparent. The interior is in white and chrome parts are on the outer parts of the speaker station and the wheels itself. The front of the box reads the title of the toy and 2 unconfirmed gold "speakers" are in the left and right parts of the front of the box, surrounding the text.


When the unit is turned on, the toy moves around with bump and go action, every now and then, it stops and opens its doors and the chairs move forwards and backwards. After a few seconds later, it’s closes its doors and moves the chairs to its original position, restarting its cycle.


  • High quality photos have yet to be seen until now.
  • It was thought that there is only a transparent tire variant, but a photo of it having normal tires has been found.
