Speed car

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As seen on Bootleg Zones!

Speed car is a knockoff toy made by NR toys.


The main unit is a car, in the style of a cartoon-like vehicle with a removable figure with it, however it is unknown of whether the figure comes removable or not. The normal variant is in a contrast of bright yellow, same as the figure, along with the secondary parts of the car being in blue. The tires have imprinted decals of a smiley face along with letters “Smiling Face”. The front and sides of the car have decals of generic lettering, like “Power racing” and “Speed Fast”. The figure has a decal of yet another smiley face, more detailed.


When turned on, the unit has bump and go action while it plays music and lights turn on with it. It plays Batte Forte by Lolipop.


  • The face on the figure seems to be photoshopped onto the box for no apparent reason.
  • While it boasts on the box that there is 5D light, it is just another bright LED along with angled transparent plastic so that the light can glow in different directions.


There are a few variants some are based on several different kinds of media. The following variants are: