Spider-Man Deluxe Edition High Class

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"ah fuck, split gear."

Spider-Man Deluxe Edition High class is a bootleg Bicycle Spider-Man toy manufactured by an unknown company.


It has Spider-Man with a white Spider web design on its body on a Motorbike with translucent plastic to show its lights. There are 2 variants of the toy. One with the translucent wheels (NO.HX28188) and one without the translucent wheels (NO.HX28198).


Once the toy has turned on, the toy has Bump and Go action. It’s lights light up in the headlights of the motorbike, the sides of the motorbike and the back of the motorbike. It plays Abracadabra by Tiggy (Cracker Barrel Monkey Horn Version).


  • This is one of the bootleg bump and go Spider-Man Motorbikes that exist.
  • Although some Spider-Man Motorbikes have a feature where the headlights are in the compartment near the back, this one is just hollow pieces of plastic and do not function in any way.
  • This could be a Semi Defunct item, probably made somewhere between 2014/2017.
  • Although some other Motorbikes have a Spider-Man that can be taken out, this one is in one piece, but the arms can still be articulated.
  • The 3x AA batteries is a 2x2 design and a quite strange version at that, because the bottom battery contact on the right is different than the usual spring design.
  • one wheel can turn (located in the back) and one is unmovable (located in the front).
