Super Racing Car

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Super Racing Car is the name given to a ongoing Chinafake bump and go rooftop car manufactured by Lu Chi Toy.


There are 2 different versions of the unit. The Nissan version and the Toyota.

Nissan Version[edit]

This version is the most commonly mass-produced, since it is the version that was seen on most of its photos. The unit is either red or yellow, both lights are orange, has chrome tires (along with a ‘traction’ line on the wheels) and a gap for the rooftop to come out.

Toyota Version[edit]

The Toyota version is very similar to the Nissan model, except with a Toyota-like mold. About the same as the Nissan Version.


When the unit is turned on, it will move around with Bump and go action, every now and then, the car stops, lifts its rooftop up and opens its doors (scissors styled) and closes back. The car moves around with bump and go action again, therefore repeating the process.


  • A video exists of the Yellow Nissan version. Its box whereabouts is unknown and that the toy were inside of another bump and go box.
  • It was presumed the toy was the "longest running bump and go toy", however the statement is false.
  • A newly discovered Audi version has been found, photos are yet to be rediscovered.
