Super Roadster

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Super Roadster (also known as Roof Action System) is a toy made by LeYuan (sometimes misprinted as LEYURN on specific battery covers).


The toy resembles a BMW Z8 that can come in either sliver, yellow, or red. There are two mirrors (one on each car door) that are posable, and a sticker on the top of the windshield that reads "SUPER ROADSTER".


When turned on, the toy moves around with bump and go action while playing Kiss (When The Sun Don't Shine) by Vengaboys while the headlights and taillights flash. Occasionally, the toy stops to open its doors and move its roof up before lowering the roof, closing the doors, and then continuing to move around. This cycle repeats until turned off.


  • These toys were recalled in some countries, making them fairly uncommon.
  • A nearly identical clone of this toy exists, made by Xiongda.
