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THE GOOSE is a toy made by Zhen Di.


The toy resembles a white goose with a pink tail, an orange beak, and white and pink wings. Its wings and tail also have an orange piece of translucent plastic in the middle. On its back and under its tail there are small door-like pieces of plastic that allow it to contain/release its eggs.


The toy has bump n go and egg laying action. When switched on, it moves its head, wings, and tail front and back. Every now and then, the toy stops and the "door" under its tail opens to allow it to release an egg. The lights in its wings and tail flash. The toy plays "I Like It" by Solid Base and makes goose sounds.


  • The toy became very popular after YouTuber Ashens reviewed it in his "2013 Easter Special" video.
  • An alternate version of the toy exists. It resembles a duck, it has the same functions, it was made by the same company, and is named "THE DUCK".
    • Zhen Di also released a cartoonish-looking variant of THE DUCK and a hen variant called 'Biddy egg'.
