Chinafake Theories

From Chinafake Wiki
(Redirected from Wen Sheng theories)
Happy Halloween!
<translate> Announcement</translate> Announcement: Pardon our dust while we get videos copied over. We're still working out the kinks in the new video system.

As of this page's last cache update, we are serving 17,842 pages (737 considered articles, 1,119 toy pages, 38 company pages, 14 forum posts, 54 blog posts), 12,376 images, and 111 videos since April 7 2014.

Welcome to the Chinafake Wiki!

shoutouts to simpleflips

Welcome to the Chinafake Theories page! Please note that everything on this page is just that-- theories, so take everything here with a grain of salt (or several). This page is to be treated sort of like a talk page- sections for theories are to be created below. Once a theory is proven (or disproven) it should be taken off this page and (in the case of a proven theory) may get its own page or a section on another page, depending on how long and in-depth it is. To view previous theories that have since been removed from the page, please check the page history.