Wisdom Robot Electric

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Wisdom Robot Electric is a toy made by LZCZ.


Wisdom Robot Electric is a robot with caterpillar tracks and a long neck. It can come in white, blue, or orange.


The robot has 4 buttons on its back, which according to the box are Song, Disco, 'Vilume' & English. It also spins 360° sometimes when in bump and go mode. It is unknown how many songs it plays, and the only confirmed ones are:

  • "Despacito" by Luis Fonzi
  • "I Did Not Go to School" by RYAN HYUNG RYAN HA
  • "We No Speak Americano" by Yolanda Be Cool


  • The robot has an articulated head, but it can only move up and down.
  • The robot's head is reminiscent of that of Wall.e.